Surpriză! Cristi Chivu (44 de ani), antrenor liber de contract după despărțirea de Inter U19, ar putea reveni la formația pentru care a scris istorie ca jucător. De această dată, jurnalistul italian Nicolo Schira vorbește despre un interes al lui Inter U23. Chivu n-a mai preluat nicio echipă după despărțirea de Inter U19. Acesta a recunoscut în toamnă faptul că a purtat discuții cu Ajax, însă acestea nu s-au concretizat. ...
The main conceptual idea of the text is that former Inter Milan player and Romanian international, Cristi Chivu, is the favorite candidate to become the new coach of Inter U23.
He has previous experience training Inter Primavera for three seasons and played for the Italian club between 2007 and 2014.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that former Inter Milan player and Romanian international, Cristi Chivu, is the favorite candidate to become the new coach of Inter U23. He has previous experience training Inter Primavera for three seasons and played for the Italian club between 2007 and 2014.